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Rental Housing Investment Management Solutions

RiVirtual Investment Management's primary goal is to generate excellent risk-adjusted returns for institutional partners via the acquisition and development of rental housing properties across the world. RiVIrtual manages a large number of assets through its specialized investment management initiatives.

RiVirtual, one of the largest and most experienced organizations in the market, manages a worldwide portfolio across several strategies and locations.

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Investment Management Leadership

What sets RiVirtual apart is its people. Supported by a global team of expert and highly professional team members, RiVirtual has a vast number of professionals fully dedicated to its Global Investment Management activities. The team collaborates throughout the life cycle of an investment vehicle, from strategy and inception through asset disposition, focused on creating return upside potential through an active approach to owning and operating rental housing communities.

Our centralized portfolio management team guides the strategic execution of investment vehicles and acts as a dedicated point of contact for capital partners and investors. At the same time, regional investment management teams work closely with RiVirtual property management and capital projects teams to source, execute, and dispose of deals, with a focus on enhancing asset value through operational excellence and strategic initiatives.

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